Sporting A Cause

Tag Archives: Iron Horse Cigar Depot

Playground Golf Foundation Charity Golf Tournament

The Playground Golf Foundation Charity Golf Tournament will be held Friday, October 2, 2020, at the Copake Country Club, 44 Golf Course Road, Craryville, NY 12521.

The entry fee for this four-person scramble is $125 per person ($500 per foursome) which includes green fees, cart, on-course contests, lunch, awards and dinner.

There will also be raffles and games.

Tournament day Schedule:

9:00 am  Shotgun Start

Lunch at the turn

Awards, raffle drawings and dinner after play.

Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Playground Golf Foundation which provides educational programs for young people that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. Children served include the underprivileged physically or mentally challenged or terminally ill of Columbia, Greene and Northern Dutchess County schools.

For more information about the Tournament or the Playground Golf Foundation  call Lucas Cohen, PGA at (954) 562-6881 or email

The event is sponsored by:

Iron Horse Cigar Depot

MetzWood Insurance

Chatham Brewing

Copake Country Club

Helsinki Hudson

New York Golf Park

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Playground Golf Foundation Charity Golf Tournament

The Playground Golf Foundation Charity Golf Tournament will be held Friday, May 17,  2019 at the Copake Country Club, 44 Golf Course Road, Craryville, NY 12521.

The event is sponsored by Iron Horse Cigar Depot.

The entry fee for this four-person scramble is $125 per person ($500 per foursome) which includes green fees, cart, on-course contests, lunch, awards and dinner. There will also be very cool registration gifts.

There will also be raffles and games.

Tournament day Schedule:

9:00 am registration

10:00 am Shotgun Start

Lunch at the turn

Awards, raffle drawings and dinner after play.

Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Playground Golf Foundation which provides educational programs for young people that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf. Children served include the underprivileged physically or mentally challenged or terminally ill of Columbia, Greene and Northern Dutchess County schools.

For more information about the Tournament or the Playground Golf Foundation  call Lucas Cohen, PGA at (954) 562-6881 or email at

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